Dakshin Foundation Restore coastal and marine ecosystems and improve livelihoods of small fishers.

Dakshin is a non-profit organization that works towards achieving marine conservation outcomes, while supporting livelihoods, social development, and fostering collaboration between government entities and communities to realize these objectives. Drawing from the varied academic background of its four founder-trustees, the organization has adopted an interdisciplinary approach to solving the linked issues of biodiversity loss and livelihood challenges since its inception in 2008. 

As of Jan 2023, it has brought 120 km of coastline, 300-500 sq. km of coral reef and 125 sq. km of lagoon areas under protection directly benefitting ~5,000 individuals. By 2026, Dakshin hopes to manage over 500km of coastline in India constituting 20% of India’s 30x30 marine protection targets and reach over 61,000 individuals in 102 villages across 5 states.

How Dakshin is pursuing marine conservation and promoting livelihoods in India.

Our commitment

We invest in Dakshin Foundation as part of LGT Venture Philanthropy’s environment strategy to scale up the protection and regeneration of threatened and destroyed ecosystems. We provide comprehensive support across three areas:

Programmatic Support

  • Help scale-up Dakshin’s ‘SeaChange’ program – a scalable and integrated approach to achieve both marine conservation and sustainable livelihoods outcomes.


  • Support the development of a robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework.
  • Help Dakshin develop an organizational roadmap via a consulting engagement with an external consultant.
  • Fund core costs and help onboard senior personnels.

In 2021

  • 120 kms

    of coast area (1.5% of India’s coastline), 300-500 sq. km of coral reef and 125 sq. km of lagoon area brought under sustainable fisheries management structure.

  • ~5,000

    Direct reach of ~5,000 individuals and indirect reach of 48,000 individuals

Dakshin hopes that our collective action-driven SeaChange initiative can catalyze both environmental sustainability and community well-being. We are excited to partner with LGT VP on this venture and hope to build a socially just model of transformation for India's coastal, marine and island geographies. 

Marianne Manuel Director
Marianne Manuel

For more information

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