The/Nudge Foundation works to alleviate poverty sustainably and at scale, by supporting skill development among underprivileged youth and improving the livelihoods of families across urban and rural India.
LGT VP is excited to announce its new engagement with The/Nudge.
The/Nudge is a not-for-profit organization that skills youth and families in India, to increase their incomes and improve their livelihoods. The organization also helps build the capacity of NGO and government partners to deliver effective skilling interventions.
The organization implements programs across three high-impact verticals. The Centre for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship develops scalable models to enable underprivileged youth to become employment-ready and obtain service sector jobs. The Centre for Rural Development works with government and other partners to help families in poverty gain access to sustainable livelihoods. The Centre for Social Innovation tackles critical developmental challenges faced by the country, drawing talent, capital and resources to early-stage social entrepreneurs. Since its inception, the organization has reached over 15 million people.
The/Nudge’s work is in line with LGT VP’s education strategy, which focuses on skills development as well as Early Childhood Development and primary education in underserved communities.
Read the full press release here.